Review: VIRPIL VPC MongoosT-50CM2 Grip with 200mm Flightstick Extension

That may sound a bit weird. Having to buy a joystick in parts it’s not something people may be used to. It’s like buying a car chassis and the body in separate.

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Thank you very much for this very interesting review (like all your other reviews!).
Do you think that it is possible to use a “VPC MongoosT-50CM2 Base” (which would be placed as close to the ground as possible) with not 1 but 2 “200MM FLIGHTSTICK EXTENSION”!
Indeed, in my idea of installation, the base would be fixed to the foot of a chair (this chair being brought to be moved to be stored).
What do you think ?

Thank you very much for your kind words.

I believe 2 extensions could be a bit odd. Mechanically and electronically, it’s possible, but I am not sure if it won’t feel a bit weird.

It’s a shame VIRPIL doesn’t offer a longer extension.

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Hello Sergio,
Thank you very much for your feedback. A possible alternative would be to add an extension of only 100mm (in addition to the “200MM FLIGHTSTICK EXTENSION”).
I ask myself these questions because I tell myself that the longer the cyclic, the better the precision; however, I have spoken with some heli-simmers who are very happy with only the 200mm extension.
I’ll try to figure out what the total height would be, as the goal is for the whole thing to fit under my desk.

The problem you may have there is really the connection. I believe VIRPIL only offers the 200mm one. There are folks selling extensions for the Thrustmaster Warthog that, in theory, also work with the VIRPIL sticks but I don’t know those companies so I can’t recommend them myself. But you can find them on ebay, for example.

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Hello Sergio,
Virpil also sells straight extensions (50, 75 or 100 mm). And the manufacturer specifies, concerning the extension of 200 mm, that “It is possible to combine the extensions together to create the perfect size for your particular setup.”

Oh I missed that. I only noticed the 200mm one. Well that’s good! It should work for you.

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